The Silver Screen edition features all the classic questions about film. Trivial Pursuit: Master Game – Silver Screen (1983) The questions targeted baby boomers with the following categories: Television Stage & Screen Nightly News Publishing Lives & Times and R.P.M. The questions could be used with the Genus Edition of Trivial Pursuit. Those who didn’t want to buy the Master Game of the Baby Boomer Edition could purchase this subsidiary card set. Trivial Pursuit: Subsidiary Card Set – Baby Boomer Edition (1983) Though the questions may seem dated now, your parents and grandparents would probably have a blast playing. However, at the time of its release, this game was all the rage. If that does not apply to you, then you might not enjoy this game very much. The edition contained 6,000 original questions specifically for-you guessed it-baby boomers, aka people born before 1950. The Baby Boomer Master Game came with all the gaming equipment you needed to play.

Trivial Pursuit: Master Game – Baby Boomer Edition (1983) Aside from the previously mentioned differences in the US and Canadian versions of the game, the boxes looked slightly different too, with a maple leaf on the Canadian version and a star on the American one.

The categories include Nicknames Baseball Football Basketball (in the US edition) or Hockey (in the Canadian edition) Catch All and Numbers. The edition consisted only of two subsidiary card sets with questions about sports. When players had gone through all the original questions, Trivial Pursuit released an expansion pack with additional questions for those who already owned the board and pieces. Trivial Pursuit: Subsidiary Card Set – All-Star Sports Edition (1983) You can still find this edition on Amazon. The game was met with enthusiasm and became the best-selling Trivial Pursuit game of its time. This is a truly special edition with all the original questions. Nevertheless, there are 6,000 questions from the fields of art, geography, literature, sports, entertainment, science, nature, and more. As you already know, the original game is over 30 years old, so the questions in this edition might be quite dated for today’s folk. This edition earns the first spot on this list by being the original ( and, to many, still the best) Trivial Pursuit game. Let’s start with master game sets and subsidiary card sets! Master Game Sets and Subsidiary Card Sets Trivial Pursuit: Master Game – Genus Edition (1981) There is no better way to discover Trivial Pursuit than to dive into all the editions. Likewise, you can still find many of these versions online and in stores! We have handy guides for the rules and categories for the different editions. Each is better than the other, with a unique theme and differing gameplay. Trivial Pursuit has a vast offering of many editions. How Many Editions of Trivial Pursuit are There? You can learn even more about the beloved game in a comprehensive article of Trivial Pursuit facts we’ve put together here.
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In 2008, Hasbro gained full ownership of Trivial Pursuit and has been in charge of the brand since. With a little help from publishers and board game enthusiasts, the game was officially released in 1982 and gained popularity in the US two years later.

The two enjoyed playing board games so much that they created their own. The game was first created in December 1979, in Montreal, Quebec, by Chris Haney and Scott Abbott. Buy on Amazon When Did Trivial Pursuit Come Out?